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Year 2

Mrs Markham's Email Address:


Mr Branskey's Email Address:

Summer Term



We are looking forward to an exciting spring term with you all. Please read the brief overview below this telling you what we will be doing in each subject. 


As always, you can continue to contact us through our class emails which are at the top of the page. Our emails will continue to be monitored on week days during the term time and we will endeavour to reply within 72 hours. Messages can always be sent via the blue organiser and any brief messages at drop off or collection times are welcome. Any urgent messages should be phoned through to the office.


Many thanks,

Mrs Markham and Mr Branskey



2M and 2B will be doing PE on Tuesday and Thursday this half term.


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we will doing PE outside as much as possible so can you please make sure your child is suitable clothed e.g. navy jogging pants. The focus will be cricket and working on our athletic skills whilst participating in a range of activities. 



Please can you carefully label your child's jumpers/cardigans with their names. We do try to make sure any misplaced clothing gets back to the right child and we appreciate it when parents ask about any lost property.  


In maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division. we will be using concrete objects, pictorial representations and mental strategies to solve a range of multiplication and division based problems. Through working in small steps, we  will be using known facts to increase our fluency. 


We will start the term off by reading the poem 'Ten Things in a Wizard's Pocket'. Our focus will be to create a poem and adding our own ideas for the ten things. After that, we will be reading the story of 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes. We will write the story again embedding our use of capital letters, full stops and letter formation. 

Then we will look at using conjunctions  and, or, but, because, when, if, that to join ideas together in sentences.


Our science focus is animals including humans and living things in the environment. We will use scientific enquiry to investigate our local environment and the microhabitats that exist on the school grounds. We will make bug hotels and study what plants and animals live in certain habitats.


The children have been given either one or two reading books and one book for shared reading with an adult. They will change these books once a week.

Please continue to read with your child as often as possible and write a brief message recording this in the blue organiser on the righthand side. We are always happy to hear about anything they are reading from home as well. 

Any teachers who read with your child will also write a comment there about how your child is progressing with their reading. 


Our History focus is on Explorers. We will start by by learning about Amelia Earhart's life and her legacy. We will sequence her life, to justify what we believe to be her most impressive achievements and design a memorial for her. Then, we will learn about Marianne Brocklehurst- an explorer from the past who is local to us in Macclesfield.


In RE,  we will be learning about the Christian faith. Our focus will be the church and its purpose, as well as looking at the role of the vicar. 


The children will be looking at a range of sculptures and then focusing on the work of Antony Gormley. First, we will be sketching figures and then exploring how to create our own 3D figures by using different materials.


We will continue to focus on Year 2 Common Exception Words, playing some memory games to see which spellings we can remember and then we will practise writing them into sentences. We will then start to learn about homophones and suffixes.

Tricky Words

We are still focusing on a range of Year 1 and Year 2 tricky words. The children will be reading these words and applying them in their writing. See attached document for the different words.

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