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Puss Bank School and Nursery

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Our World! 

During Summer 1, our learning will focus on:


Our Two year-old's classroom time will focus on the following books:

The very Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Walking through the Jungle.

Our Two year-old's classroom time will focus on the following:

Reading/speaking and Listening - We will practise sitting and listening to a story and join in with simple repeated refrains.


Making relationships/self-regulation - We will learn the names of our new friends and verbally name them (or through gesture) when playing turn taking games.


Problem Solving – We will explore colour, shape and patterns, working together to tackle inset jigsaws. We will learn the names and sort fruit and vegetables.


Communication – We will explore fruit and vegetables that the Hungry Caterpillar eats, naming, describing and tasting.

In addition, we will of course be enjoying so much more learning through play!


Our three and four year old's classroom time will focus on the following books: 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'My Bean Diary'


Reading - We will focus on Concepts about Print - orientate books correctly, point to the pictures in a book, point to the words in a book, discuss what a letter/word/sentence are and locate them in the book. We will locate labels and discuss their use.


Writing - They will use symbols and letter shapes to represent spoken word. They will practise the 'pick and flick' technique in order to practise an effective pencil grip. We will practise forming the initial letter of their name first. Once they have mastered this, we will practise the remaining letters in their name. 


Phonics - We will continue to practise oral blending through games and begin to segment simple words.

They will play many games - What's in the box? Bertha the bus.  Your child will practice oral blending/segmenting and be exposed to different sounds.

Each week we will explore a different sound (h, b, f, l, j, v, w, x), identifying words beginning with the same initial sound.


Number - During our number sessions, we will return to Number Land to refine our knowledge of each number. We will problem solve to sort objects according to their number properties, e.g. 5 and not 5. We will find the odd one out from a group of 3, e.g. a square, a number 4 and a triangle. The triangle is the odd one out as it belongs in number land 3 and the other two belong in number land 4. 


Please visit to find out more. 


Problem Solving - During our problem solving sessions, we will explore 2D shapes. We will play and make arrangements with shapes. Exploring straight/curved sides, corners etc. We will make pictures according to their properties e.g. square as a house and triangle as a roof. We will continue repeating patterns using 2D shapes. 


Please visit NCETM for more information on the shape, space and measure. 


Reading and sharing stories

We share many stories with your child each week, reading one on one, in small groups and all together at home times.

At home time, we read the same story each day for a week.

This provides the children will the opportunity to embed their knowledge of the story - helping them to understand story characters, settings, events and sequencing at greater depth. It also allows them to become fluent 'readers' as they orally read the story that they have remembered and builds their confidence and LOVE of reading.


Our home time stories will be – Shark in the Park on a Wind Day, Duck in the Pond, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper's beanstalk, Lola plants a seed, The pig in the pond. 



In addition, we will of course be enjoying so much more learning through play!


Please do not hesitate to contact

with any questions you have.


What to bring to nursery?

  • Named coat
  • Named wellies (which can be left at nursery)
  • Named bag with spare clothes
  • Named sunhat and named sun cream (weather depended)
  • If your child is still in nappies then please bring a pack of nappies and wipes to be left at nursery. Alternatively, bring enough nappies and wipes in a named bag for that session. 
  • If your child is bringing in a packed lunch - named packed lunch box and named water bottle. (those having a school lunch do not need a water bottle.


If you have any questions then please email them to


Take care!

The Nursery Team

Mrs Evans, Mrs Nash, Miss Webb, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Chamilla, Miss Nolan, Miss Hayek and Miss Burgess


Paying for childcare


Information on how to get help to pay for childcare, including Tax free Childcare

Activities across Macclesfield Children's Centres


Please follow the link for a weekly timetable of the events happening across Children's Centres in Macclesfield.'s-centres.aspx

Important Dates for your diary


New to Reception Story Times

Wednesday 15th May, 22nd May, 5th June, 12th June –

All at 2.45pm – 3pm.


New to Reception Parent’s Evening

20th June at 5.45pm-6.45pm


Nursery/Reception Sports day

(not two-year olds)

Thursday 20th June - 9.20am


PTA Summer Social

Friday 28th June (after school)


 Reception Transition Visits

Wednesday 26th June and Wednesday 3rd July

Either 10.30am – 11.30am or 1.30pm-2.30pm


Wheelock Farm Trip

Thursday 4th July (optional trip - letter to follow)


Move up morning8th July




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