Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Evans
What to bring to nursery?
- Named coat
- Named wellies (which can be left at nursery)
- Named bag with spare clothes
- Named sunhat and named sun cream (weather depended)
If your child is still in nappies then please bring a pack of nappies and wipes to be left at nursery. Alternatively, bring enough nappies and wipes in a named bag for that session.
If your child is bringing in a packed lunch - named packed lunch box and named water bottle. (those having a school lunch do not need a water bottle.
If you have any questions then please email them to
Take care!
The Nursery Team
Mrs Evans, Mrs Nash, Miss Webb, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Chamilla, Miss Burgess, Mrs Rodgers
During the Autumn Term, our topic is titled
'Ourselves and Festivals'
During Autumn 1, our learning will focus on:
Our Two year-old's classroom time will focus on the following stories:
Nursery Rhymes, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Foxes Socks.
Our three and four year old's classroom time will focus on the following stories :
Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs and Each Peach, Pear Plum.
They will have the opportunities to recognise familiar characters and join in with repeated refrains.
Phonics – During our weekly phonics sessions, we will play many games that will help your child to discriminate between different sounds that they hear (Environmental sounds, instrumental sounds and Body Percussion). It is important that your child has plenty of experience listening to and joining in with nursery rhymes, stories and poems.
Number - During our weekly Number sessions, we will explore the world of Number Land. In Number Land, we explore numbers 1-6, one week at a time. We create a garden for each number, bringing each number alive and taking it from the abstract to something they can understand.
We start with number 1.
Number 1 has a circle garden because circles have one side. It has a house with one window, one tree in the garden, a tower made with one brick and a flag that says one. Number One, themselves, has one eye, one star and their name 'One' written.
A triangle could not go in Numberland 1's garden because 'it is not 1 it is 3'. A tower made with 5 bricks can not go in Numberland 1 because 'it has 5 bricks, it belongs in Numberland 5.'
We spend a week exploring each Numberland garden at a time 1-6.
Please visit to find out more.
Problem Solving - Our weekly Problem solving sessions involve simple (but meaningful) number problems, explored through games and songs. These sessions involve rehearsing numbers 1-10 by singing Number rhymes. We count each object with 1:1 correspondence and explore the number order principle and cardinal principle (final number said for a set of objects). We add 1 more using familiar objects and songs. We will sing '1 potato, 2 potato', '10 marching teddies', '10 little fingers and 10 little toes', 5 Little Pumpkins'.
Please visit NCETM for more information on the different principles of counting.
Reading and sharing stories
We will share many stories with your child each week, reading one on one, in small groups and all together at home times.
Our home time stories will be - Toddle Waddle, Shark in the Park, All Are Welcome, Wow Said the Owl, Hello Autumn, The Very Last Leaf, A Gift for Amma and The Best Diwali Ever!
In addition, we will of course be enjoying so much more learning through play!
Please do not hesitate to contact
with any questions you have.
Important Dates for your diary
Autumn Walk
Thursday 17th October – letter to follow
PTA School Disco
Nursery and Reception Disco –
Thursday 17th October 5pm-5.30pm KS2 Hall
(email to follow)
Harvest Sing-along
Tuesday 22nd October 9.15am KS2 Hall
Tuesday 22nd October 2.30pm KS2 Hall
(This is only for Mrs Evans’ and Mrs Nash’s Key worker groups)
Inset Day (school closed)
Friday 25th October
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
Parent’s Evening
Wednesday 6th November or Thursday 7th November
(email to follow)
PTA Carols round the Tree
Carols, mince pies, Christmas Raffle and more!
Thursday 19th December 3.30pm-4.30pm
Christmas Nativity
Tuesday 17th December 9.30am / 2.15pm KS2 Hall
(This is only for Mrs Evans’ and Mrs Nash’s Key worker groups)
School Closes for Christmas
Early finish at 1.15pm Friday 20th December 2024
Paying for childcare- Information on how to get help to pay for childcare, including Tax free Childcare
Activities across Macclesfield Children's Centres
Please follow the link for a weekly timetable of the events happening across Children's Centres in Macclesfield.
During the Autumn Term, our topic is titled
'Ourselves and Festivals'.
During Autumn 1, our learning will focus on:
Our Two year-old's classroom time will focus on the following stories:
Nursery Rhymes, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Foxes Socks.
Our three and four year old's classroom time will focus on the following stories : Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs and Each Peach, Pear Plum. They will have the opportunities to recognise familiar characters and join in with repeated refrains.
Phonics – During our weekly phonics sessions, we will play many games that will help your child to discriminate between different sounds that they hear (Environmental sounds, instrumental sounds and Body Percussion). It is important that your child has plenty of experience listening to and joining in with nursery rhymes, stories and poems.
Number - During our weekly Number sessions, we will explore the world of Number Land. In Number Land, we explore numbers 1-6, one week at a time. We create a garden for each number, bringing each number alive and taking it from the abstract to something they can understand.
We start with number 1.
Number 1 has a circle garden because circles have one side. It has a house with one window, one tree in the garden, a tower made with one brick and a flag that says one. Number One, themselves, has one eye, one star and their name 'One' written.
A triangle could not go in Numberland 1's garden because 'it is not 1 it is 3'. A tower made with 5 bricks can not go in Numberland 1 because 'it has 5 bricks, it belongs in Numberland 5.'
We spend a week exploring each Numberland garden at a time 1-6.
Please visit to find out more.
Problem Solving - Our weekly Problem solving sessions involve simple (but meaningful) number problems, explored through games and songs. These sessions involve rehearsing numbers 1-10 by singing Number rhymes. We count each object with 1:1 correspondence and explore the number order principle and cardinal principle (final number said for a set of objects). We add 1 more using familiar objects and songs. We will sing '1 potato, 2 potato', '10 marching teddies', '10 little fingers and 10 little toes', 5 Little Pumpkins'.
Please visit NCETM for more information on the different principles of counting.
Reading and sharing stories
We will share many stories with your child each week, reading one on one, in small groups and all together at home times.
Our home time stories will be - Toddle Waddle, Shark in the Park, All Are Welcome, Wow Said the Owl, Hello Autumn, The Very Last Leaf, A Gift for Amma and The Best Diwali Ever!
In addition, we will of course be enjoying so much more learning through play!
Please do not hesitate to contact
with any questions you have.
Files to Download
Nursery: Calendar items
Nursery Autumn Walk, by Miss James
Nursery & RB Harvest Festival Sing-Along, by Miss James
Nursery & RMP Nativity, by Miss James