
"An understanding of the world is a source of not only great curiosity, but great fulfilment."

Sir David Attenborough


Our Geography curriculum aims to develop children’s growing understanding and curiosity of where they are in the world.  They acquire a developing knowledge of human and physical features and the impact people have upon them. Children start by understanding their immediate locality and through the school this is used as a basis to compare and contrast with other locations around the world. Teaching supports children in understanding the diversity of people, places and the Earth’s resources. Through an enquiring, inquisitive and filed work approach to teaching children realise the complexity of geographical events and issues.  Children realise that their actions and the actions of others have an impact and can influence the world in which they live. By the time children leave Puss Bank School and Nursey they understand that places are interconnected and that human actions have an impact in the world they live.


Fieldwork is an essential part in children acquiring key Geographical skills and knowledge; learning about their local environment which then can be compared to other areas around the world. Key Geographical vocabulary is explicitly taught and revisited. Human and physical features are taught in all year groups, so children develop a thorough understanding of the world. There is a progression in using maps, globes, atlases and aerial photographs to support children in their understanding of their place within the world.  


There is ongoing teacher assessment to ensure that the children are keeping up with the pace of the curriculum and achieving our goals. As a result of our Geography Curriculum:

• retain knowledge that is pertinent to geography with a real life context.

• develop skills to pursue their own interests in geography and ask questions relating to their learnt knowledge

• understand how geography ‘happens’ in their local area and also develop an awareness and understanding of

geography not at just a local level but national and global level also.

• begin to understand their wider world and the implications that we as citizens have on it.

• work collaboratively to solve problems and explain the processes that they have taken/observed within a real

life context.