Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Gittens
Miss Mason
Hello Year 3!
Your teachers this year are Miss Gittens (3G) and Miss Mason (3M).
TT Rockstars is a great way to learn and remember times tables. Your child has a login inside their organiser. Please encourage them to spend a few minutes jamming on TT Rockstars just a few times a week. We will incentivise it in school through a leaderboard for effort in practising their tables!
Reading books have been allocated. Your child has been given a day of the week on which they should bring their books for changing, written in their organiser. Please, please do continue to read to your child and to hear them read aloud. Children enjoy reading when it is relaxed and not forced. If you find your child is reluctant to read, please come and talk to us for some ideas on how to get them more engaged.
Miss Mason's Email Address: - Please use this email at the moment while my new class email is being set up. Thank you
Miss Gittens' Email Address:
Contacting us
Parents can contact teachers through the blue organiser - just make sure, please, that your child knows there is a message to hand in. You can also use our e mail addresses, which will be monitored on week days during term time and we will endeavour to reply within 72 hours. Please may we remind you that verbal messages at collection and drop off times are welcome if brief. If you need more time to discuss something, pop a note in the organiser or drop us an e mail and we can ensure your query gets our full attention.
Useful Weblinks
For practice of addition and subtraction facts:
Choose Maths Games, then addition and subtraction. Choose any game that you wish to, but make sure it is not too hard or too easy!
Choose the number bonds option. Top Marks has some other addition and subtraction games, that you may wish to explore.
On this page, there are a number of free maths games that the children should be able to access. It is important to build fluency in number facts with 10 and 20. Overlearning can help with quick recall. This will help the children apply these bonds quickly when solving more complex problems.
TT Rockstars:
Your child's login is in their organiser. Aim to login in three times a week and spend five minutes practising on the site. It can be played on a tablet/PC or phone.
Another site your child may enjoy is On this site, there are games and your child can choose one table to focus on at a time. There are also worksheets that you can use at home to support your child's learning.
Parents need to subscribe but you can do so for free. If you enter children's spelling words they will be able to practise them in a variety of ways. This is also available as an app.
Available as an app - again, an adult needs to enter the child's spelling word list before they start.
This site has practice and test activities for Y3 spelling rules and the statutory Y3/4words that follow no particular pattern. (Spelling Bee words.)
Recommended reading lists by age group:
Files to Download
Year 3: Calendar items
Year 3 Parent's Meeting - KS2 Hall, by Miss James
Year 3&4 Fairtrade Coffee Morning - KS2 Hall, by Miss James