Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Smith
Mrs Curzon
Mrs Walsh
Welcome to Year 4
Contacting us
Parents can contact teachers through the blue organiser - make sure your child knows there is a message to hand in. You can also use our e-mail addresses, which will be monitored on weekdays during term time and we will endeavour to reply within 72 hours. Please may we remind you that verbal messages at collection and drop-off times are welcome if brief. If you need more time to discuss something, pop a note in the organiser to let us know you need a longer appointment or drop us an e-mail to say so and we can ensure your query gets our full attention.
Mrs Curzon (Mon-Tue) & Mrs Walsh (Wed-Fri) -
Mrs Smith -
We will begin our English learning with motivational messages, which will be used all year to keep the children going and being creative in their writing. The first book we will read and base our learning on is Jack and the Baked Beanstalk.
Maths will begin by refreshing our knowledge of column addition and subtraction, ensuring that the children are secure in their place value to three digits. The children will also be doing daily practice of timetables through 99 Club. The children are used to this club and most find it fun to challenge themselves to keep moving up the clubs. If your child shares any worries or concerns with you at home, please let your child's teacher know because we want learning times tables to be a positive experience and we are here to help.
By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to know all multiplication facts to 12 x12 and so this key knowledge will also have considerable emphasis throughout the whole year. Children will need to make this a priority in their homework. TT Rockstars will be set weekly and it is expected they complete the minutes. If you have trouble accessing the app or website, please let your child's teacher know.
The children will be learning about Teeth and Digestion and Electricity.
We will be learning all about what being a Roman in Ancient Rome meant, how they lived and why and when they conquered Great Britain.
Art & DT
In art, we will be exploring warm and cool colours, inspired by Hundertwasser. In DT, we will be looking at mechanisms, exploring how pneumatics work and what products they are used in, before designing and making our own pneumatic toy.
We are learning about Money and the links between earning and why we use bank accounts. We will focus in on Mental Health Week, random acts of kindness and how our relationships with different people are different.
P.E Days
Wednesday & Friday
On these days only, the children should come to school in their P.E. kit. Earrings removed.
Basic Computer Skills and Online Safety will be our focus for Autumn Term 1. Don't forget you can log on at home and use Purple Mash!
Weekly homework is now set electronically on Teams. It is set on a Friday and should be handed in (on Teams) by the following Wednesday. If you have difficulties in accessing homework on Teams this year, please let class teachers know so we can help. Homework is not set in the first and last week of half term.
Please, please do continue to read to your child and to hear them read aloud. Your child has been given a day of the week on which they should bring their books for changing, which is written in their organiser. In class, there is a wide selection of books available for their reading pleasure and children also are able to borrow books of their choosing from the KS2 library to read at school. It is fantastic to hear children telling us what they read at home and even that they have been inspired by our class book choices to find the same or similar books in the library or bookshop. Please send organisers and reading books in every day.
Year 4 Statutory Times Tables Assessment
This year, all children will complete the times tables assessment. They will have the opportunity to see how the test works by first having a practice session. To prepare for this test, we will set times tables as homework all year long, whilst keeping tables a priority in class at school as part of the Maths curriculum and having some time allocated in school for using TT Rockstars or Purple Mash. The Purple Mash times tables app has the most similar format to that of the test itself and it is worth using this to practice.
Recommended Reading List For Year 4
Files to Download
Year 4: Calendar items
Year 3&4 Fairtrade Coffee Morning - KS2 Hall, by Miss James
Year 4 War Grave Cleaning (Optional), by Miss James