Puss Bank PTA
Welcome to the Puss Bank PTA section!
Puss Bank Parent Teachers' Association (PTA)
Puss Bank PTA exists to support the education of children at Puss Bank by raising funds for the school and by organising activities that enrich school life.
In recent years the PTA have raised money for resources that have been enjoyed by all children in the school. Some of the money was used to upgrade the library areas in KS1 and KS2, the AV equipment and lighting in the KS2 hall was replaced, mental health first aid kits were bought for each classroom and also games for the children to use during wet play. Each year we support the Christmas parties and the leavers events put on for Year 6.
We are currently raising money for a number of areas within the school. We are looking to raise a significant amount of money to improve the outdoor classroom areas used by children throughout the school. This is an ambitious project and to be successful we need your support!
Every year we run three school discos, Christmas events, uniform sales, a Summer Social and more.
How to get involved -
There are lots of different ways to get involved - by coming along and having fun at one of our events, donating cakes to sell, volunteering to help at one of our events or even organising your own fundraising event!
We hold meetings regularly throughout the year where we plan our events and discuss any items that we need to raise money for.
Information about the next meetings are posted on the "PTA" notice boards outside the KS1 office, in PAWs for Thought and on the 'PTA at Puss Bank School' Facebook page.
You are very welcome to call the school office on 01625 384384 and leave a message and one of the Committee will contact you. You can also send a message through the Facebook page.
Alternatively find one of us on the playground. Below are some of our current members who would love to talk to you about what we do, ideas you have for the PTA and ways to get involved.
Upcoming meeting dates:
Date to be confirmed
Next events/activities:
Carols around the Tree (Friday 15th Dec, 3.30 – 4.30)
February Disco
Some of our current members:
Steph Dean – children in Year 3 and Year 5
Claire Williams – children in Year 3 and Year 5
Mike Bartlett – child in Year 4
Becky Burns – child in Year 3
Leanne D – children in Year 2 and Year 6
Pam Harrison – children in reception and Year 4
Claire-Louise Davenport – children in Year 2 and Year 4
Laura Mitchell – child in Year 5
Natalie Lane – child in Year 5
Kirsten Wainwright – children in reception and Year 4