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India's COVID Appeal

Puss Bank Primary School and Nursery would like to invite you to join us in our India’s COVID appeal.  On Monday 10th May we will be holding a silence.  We will be asking our pupils to bring in a donation, this can be a little or as much as they can give.  Each class will agree to how long they can be silent for and at 10 am our school will fall silent.  This is to help us think about those that we are going to help, as when you are seriously ill with COVID you are quiet, all you want to be able to do is breathe.

All monies raised will go to OXFAM so that they can get the oxygen needed into India to the hospitals and more importantly the people that need it most.

Please join us, we can and will make a difference.  Help India breathe. 

Any donations made with your organisation can be pledged to Oxfam on the following link

If there is anything you need, please contact me.   If you do decide to do a sponsored silence please send us a picture so that we can share with our school how far our India’s COVID appeal has reached.

I hope you will join us.  Thank you for your time in reading this, if you know of any other organisations that maybe interested please feel free to pass it on.
