Snow Day Thursday 9th January

Learning Activities Thursday 9th January

Hello 😊

Hope you are all keeping warm and we are really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. There are lots of fabulous activities from the week, which you can continue with and here are some more tasks for today 😊.


Spelling Activities

Spelling  - Rehearsal:

Using your preferred strategy (spellamadoodle, rainbow writing, spelling pyramid, quickwrite, look, cover, write and check etc), can you rehearse the following common exception words:

determined                  hindrance               nuisance                      appreciate


LO: To understand apostrophes for contractions.

This means an apostrophe used to show the omission of letters or numbers.

have not = haven’t

Activity 1:

Correct OR not correct.

Tick the sentences where the apostrophe has been used correctly. If you think it is not correct, where should the apostrophe be placed?


  1. Im feeling excited today.
  2. We cant’ play in the road.
  3. Theyr’e visiting the cinema on Saturday.
  4. He’ll play the piano in the concert.
  5. Its an interesting football match.



Activity 2:

Write the contracted form of the words below:




Activity 3:

Rewrite the sentences below, using apostrophes to contract the words highlighted in blue.


I cannot wait to go to the theme park tomorrow.

I have never been to one before because I was not big enough to go on the rides.

I think I will have an amazing time.









We will be learning about Trade and Fair Trade in our unit of work.


1.Can you find and draw and colour the FairTrade logo?

2. Here are some products that you might find a FairTrade logo on:

  • Cotton
  • Coffee
  • Bananas
  • Chocolate
  • Flowers
  • Pineapple
  • Tea
  • Wine

Research what other Fair Trade products you can buy.

Research which countries the different products come from.

Make a wall chart or poster to show them.



Click on the link below  to work through a musical listening activity.

You will need some drawing materials.
